Linux Kernel Archives is the primary site for the Linux kernel source. All Linux kernel versions, including latest snapshot or "release candidate" (-rc) can be easily found here.
Linux Kernel Archives는 Linux kernel source를 위한 primary site이다. 최신 snapshot 또는 "release candidate"(-rc)을 포함하는 모드 Linux kernel version은 여기서 쉽게 찾을 수 있다.
The ARM Linux Project lead by Russell King. Russell is in charge to ensure the ARM core support in the Kernel mainline and to integrate ARM based system on chip specific patch sets. Specific ARM Linux discussion groups, patches and information are also available.
The ARM Linux Project는 Russell King에 의해 지휘된다. Russell은 Kernel mainline에서 제공하는 ARM core를 보증하는 것과 chip에 특정화된 patch set에서 ARM based system을 통합하는 것을 담당한다.
You will find on ARM Linux website :
ARM Linux 웹사이트에서 아래 내용을 찾을 수 있다.
AT91 linux 2.6 patches maintained by Andrew Victor. Andrew is the official Linux kernel maintainer for AT91 machines. You can find patches against official Linux kernel releases and driver development status. All AT91 patches should be sent to Andrew except if it exists a specific development branch like SD/MMC, ALSA, netdev, etc...
AT91 linux 2.6 patches는 Andrew Victor에 의해 유지된다. Andrew는 AT91 machine을 위한 공식적인 Linux kernel maintainer이다. 공식적인 Linux kernel release와 driver development status에 대한 patch를 찾을 수 있다. 모든 AT91의 patch는 Andrew 에게 보내져야 한다.
The provided patches, on this wiki, are always against the official kernel release and Andrew's patches.
이 wiki에서 제공되는 patch는 공신적인 kernel release와 Andrew의 patch에 대한 것이다.
Pre-built images are delivered into uImage U-Boot format. To download them on AT91 boards, see the section How to load Linux kernel with U-Boot in the U-Boot page.
Pre-built image는 uImgae U-Boot format으로 인도된다. AT91 보드에 download하기 위해 U-Boot page에서 How to load Linux kernel with U-Boot section을 보아라.
The experimental AT91 patch set is built and contributed by people from the AT91 Linux community. These patches are against Andrew Victor patches. They contain unpublished or not yet included piece of code or driver.
실험적인 AT91 patch set은 AT91 Linux community로부터 사람들에 의해 built 되고 기부되었다. 이 patch들은 Andrew Victor patches에 대한 것이다. 그것들은 공개되지 않았거나 아직 code나 driver의 included 되지 않은 것을 포함한다.
Source : check the summary table below (last column).
BuildAT91 Linux kernel sources summary table
From left to right, each patch applies on top of the previous source tree. We also advice you to use the powerful ketchup tool. You can thus easily get a Linux Kernel without having to consume bandwidth each time you update it. Get and patch the Linux kernelTo get an experimental Linux4SAM kernel up and running on an AT91 product, you have to go through the following steps: 1. identify on which linux kernel revision the experimental patches will apply wget tar xvjf linux-2.6.xx.tar.bz2 cd linux-2.6.xx 3. download the AT91 Maintainer's patch and apply it
3. AT91 Maintainer의 path를 다운로드 하고 그것을 적용한다. wget zcat 2.6.xx-at91.patch.gz | patch -p1 4. take the experimental patchset and apply it on top of the AT91 one 4. 실험용 patch를 얻고 AT91 제품의 상단에 그것을 적용한다.
You will now have an updated copy of the experimental Linux4SAM kernel.
Configure and Build the Linux kernelNow you have to configure the Linux kernel according to your hardware. First identify your kernel revision, your board and then, download the corresponding configuration file. Default configuration files are provided here. wget cd linux-2.6.xx cp at91sam926yek_defconfig .config make ARCH=arm oldconfig At this step, you can modify default configuration make ARCH=arm menuconfig And build the Linux kernel image make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=<path_to_cross-compiler/cross-compiler-prefix->
Notes 1: at91_mci enhancement with those upstream patches : 2: For AT91SAM9XE chips, there is an additional tiny patch that locates TX Ethernet buffers in internal SRAM : adapt_macb_sam9xe.diff
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Linux4SAM - BuildRoot (0) | 2009.11.16 |
Linux4SAM - OpenEmbedded / Angstrom (0) | 2009.11.16 |
Linux4SAM - U-Boot (0) | 2009.11.15 |
Linux4SAM - AT91Bootstrap (0) | 2009.11.15 |
Linux4SAM - Software Tools (0) | 2009.11.15 |